New Groove
September 3, 2009

Well, it’s been almost a week since I started this blog and this is the first time I’ve been on!  Pretty sad, huh? 

Things have been hopping around here this week!  I started homeschooling my oldest son(L).  My youngest(S) will start preschool on the 14th, so that will be one more adjustment to our new groove.  So far our schooling has gone well, with a few exceptions.  I’ve started observing what L eats in the morning because I noticed a drastic change in his behavior this week.  After doing some reading last night, I came across an article that defined his behavior to a “T”.    Basically he’s getting too much sugar.  He had a brown sugar pop-tart for breakfast yesterday, which gave him a quick energy boost.  Then his blood sugar levels plummeted (below where they started), causing him to become irritable, moody and unable to concentrate.  So guess what, no more pop-tarts, sugared  cereal,  or sugar for that matter for breakfast.  But I think this will be a great change for us all!  I’ve always said I need more protein so here’s my chance to help the entire family.

As for getting this child-bearing body into shape, I really haven’t made much attempt this week.   I have watched what I was eating, you know watch it ALL go down!  Nah, just kidding!  I’ve tried to stick to my Smart-Start cereal or eggs for breakfast and for lunch I have been enjoying Taquitos (found at Sam’s) with a side of cherry tomatoes and a dallop of sour cream!  YUMMY!!!  I can’t say much about supper, except the fact that I have managed to plan our meals this week and it’s been great!  Easy to prepare and mighty tasty, if I do say so myself!

My mom is also wanting to lose weight and feel better so I invited her to check out my page.  It’s a great way for us to keep up with one another.  Mom ordered me a new cookbook.

Cooking Light Superfast Suppers

Cooking Light Superfast Suppers

I can’t wait to start cooking healthier meals!   This book got GREAT reviews and I have high-hopes for it.  I’ll keep you posted!

I’ve got a dirty floor calling the vacuum cleaner…the joys of 2 boys and being at home!  🙂